Leading experience and UI design for console, PC and mobile games.
Partnering with game design, art department and monetization experts to prototype and develop new features and enhance player experience.
Evil West
● Flying Wild Hog
UX Lead / UI Artist
Release date 2022
Platforms PC / PS5 / PS4 / XBOX
Rise up to become a Wild West Superhero, eradicate the vampire threat in visceral, explosive style and save the United States!
I was Lead UX designer and supporting UI Artist working closely with game designers to establish game loops, player journey and UX details throughout combat and gameplay, creating wireframes and interactive prototypes.
Trek to Yomi
● Flying Wild Hog
UX Lead / UI Artist
Release date 2022
Platforms PC / PS5 / XBOX
“As a vow to his dying Master, the young swordsman Hiroki is sworn to protect his town and the people he loves against all threats. Faced with tragedy and bound to duty, the lone samurai must voyage beyond life and death to confront himself and decide his path forward.”
I helped the team behind this visually stunning game to establish UX patterns and explore minimalistic UI elements.
2D Art / UI Artist
Release date 2024
Platforms PC
You were born into the Darkness. They call you “Deathless” and say you cannot die. Pledge loyalty to one of four factions, write your history and discover the beast’s most closely guarded secrets.
The DRKVRS team presents the first gameplay trailer of the DRKVRS project. This is a work-in-progress footage showing the game in its early development stage.
The video covers the District 1 location - the first playable section of the game, which will be accessible for early supporters and SIN token holders in Q4 2024.
● HBO / Cinemax / Jam3
Design Direction
Series of Psychological Test
Designed to confuse.
Series of Psychological test, each more intriguing than the last. Developed with the help of a cognitive psychologist, the tests increased in sophistication while perpetuating a feeling of unease and paranoia. I was leading the art direction of the game and final UI designs.
Space Punks
● Flying Wild Hog
UX Lead / UI Artist
Release date 2021
Platforms PC / PS5 / XBOX
Space Punks features crazy, over-the-top action in a unique, irreverent sci-fi setting.
Space Punks is designed to be a living, breathing, and ever-changing game world. I was Lead UX Designer, working on player progression, inventory building, weapon crafting, digital marketplace, combat UI and multiplayer communication.