Space Punks
● Flying Wild Hog
Lead UX / UI Designer
Release date 2021
Platforms PC / PS5 / XBOX
Space Punks is a free-to-play online co-op ARPG that will see you shootin' and lootin' your way across the galaxy. Team up with three misfits to lay siege to hordes of alien scumbags, harvest their loot and become the ultimate galactic badass.
● 01
With guns. And swords. And grenades. And gadgets that make stuff go BOOM. There’s a lot of ass to be kicked across the galaxy.
Inventory is an essential space for every RPG game. It has to be functional enough to navigate around tens of items yet exciting to get you started in the first place!
● 02
Gameplay HUD
The bigger the explosions, the greater the fame and fortune. With trigger-happy misfits covering your back, you’re going places, kid.
This is where the magic happens. A good HUD has to be easy to follow, even in the most dense combat, with clear hot areas to communicate everything from Loot and Mission Objectives, to Kill Combos and Team comms. But in the rare moments of catching your breath, it would be nice to have something easy on the eye, too!
● 03
Once you looted your way through the galaxy it’s time to do some shoppin’!
Get your gear together and make sure you’re the OG badass. Creating a marketplace requires a good balance of e-commerce functionality with excitement and levels of richness, that makes everything desirable while keeping the extra ones still worth a little extra.
● 04
Weapon Crafting
The best weapons are not the ones you buy. It’s the ones you make yourself!
Crafted weapons will always have better statistics than any weapons you find, ensuring that the time spent on upgrading blueprints and gathering resources is always time well spent.