Teaming up with start-ups, design studios and established brands to bring to life innovative products, immersive platforms and digital identities.
Adobe Blog
Personalized content streams bring the power back to the user in the new Adobe Blog.
By turning the idea of a traditional, static blog on its head, we simplified the publishing process and allowed the Adobe team to focus on creating meaningful content for their users.
● Adobe / Welikesmall
Design Direction / Product Discovery / UX Definition
Future Mobility
What if the car became our new meeting place?
I worked with Territory Studio on developing an operating system for a self-driving car. The OS included both current state of autonomous driving and a future vision of what the in-car experience might look like.
● Territory Studio
Product Design / UI
Made to make.
Thinkingbox invited me to explore and design a new digital identity for their refreshed brand and creative positioning.
● Thinkingbox
Digital Identity / Design / UX/UI Discovery
Mustang Customizer
With over 3 million possibilities, Mustang Customizer truly puts the user behind the wheel of their own dream ride.
Ford Mustang Customizer Online Tool allows drivers to start their imaginations and customize their dream rides in real-time 3D for the first time in Mustang history.
● Ford / Team Detroit / Jam3
Design Direction / Consumer Experience / Real-time 3D
Crafting a captivating visual language for a chic travel and lifestyle brand.
Over the past few years, I've collaborated with a talented travel writer and photographer on shaping her digital identity. Together, we've brought to life thoughtful communication strategies and launched an array of inspiring products.
● Travelicious
Branding / Design Direction
Epson Retail Vision
Elevating consumer experience with augmented reality and interactive shopping installations.
I worked with Mono to create all mobile products along with augmented reality apps and some additional 2D graphics featured in the demonstration video.
● Epson / Citizen Films / Mono
Design Direction / Consumer Experience / Vision Demo
Need for Speed™ Unbound
Launching the latest instalment from the iconic game series.
With a proper bang!
● EA / North Kingdom
Art Direction / Global Product Launch
Epson Story
A visual journey that tells the story of Epson – from initial ideas and design, to testing and manufacture.
I worked with Mono to create styleframes and infographics for a vibrant and immersive Brand Video.
● Epson / Citizen Films / Mono
Corporate Branding